Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Journal 23/11/11

We took some screenshots of what we filmed last friday:

All we managed to get done were the lines 'She told me that her Dad was loaded, I said in that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola, She said fine.' We filmed it continuously which was quite hard because we had to make sure that we got it right and perfect straight away otherwise we would have to keep filming till we got it right, which could have taken a long time. Although we were only filming 3 people doing 3 lines so it wasn't that hard to control. 

We have spoken to the music department and the band and we plan on filming this friday (25/11/11). Also, we've spoken to our teachers about getting 'insurance' so we can send off a letter to 'Morrissons' so that we can film in there for the scene where we make an intertextual reference to Pulp's actual music video. 

1 comment:

  1. This is looking excellent Charlotte, well done. It might be useful to add more labels to separate your posts out a bit more but otherwise, outstanding blogging!

    How's your digipack coming along?

    Current approx grade: B
